The first antivirus program for Mac OS X came from Sophos. Other vendors waited until the Mac got more attention, not only to users but also to malware authors. These beautiful computer systems are nowadays not only used by graphic designers but also by developers, administrators and CEOs. Everyone who wants a beautiful computer and/or operating systems. No doubt it is the sexiest UNIX system.
Now the antivirus suites for Mac OS X from other vendors are popping up. Kaspersky announces Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Mac which uses the same engine as on Microsoft Windows and also supports Snow Leopard. It will be available from 15th October 2009. A beta release was published in june, according to this release note in their forum. McAfee has now a full endpoint security protection suite for Mac, but also an ordinary VirusScan for Mac in their portfolio.
I'm looking forward that others will follow, especially the popular AntiVir from Avira. ■