The Beta 2 Final of OllyDbg is now available and adds debugging of child processes to the feature list. The debugging engine is more stable and tricky, OllyDbg knows more functions now and there's a more or less consistent support for UNICODE and UTF8 in dialogs and comments. Of course …
Fleximus Blog
Open Source
OpenLDAP 2.4.20 released
Felix EhlersThe OpenLDAP project announced the availability of OpenLDAP 2.4.20, which is a maintenance release that fixes about 40 bugs.
Here is the download page:
Top 20+ MySQL best practises
Felix EhlersDatabase performance is essential and the most common bottleneck of web application is the database. Often the DBA is concerned about the performance but not only he should be, it's also the application developers that should keep an eye on database performance.
Burak Guzel shows in his article on net …
Postgresql and total security in the database
Felix EhlersDatabase security is essential with today's web applications. You should have the control, not the bad guys that are visiting your website. Exposing sensitive information from your database is bad, loosing data from your customers is even worse.
Robert Bernier published an article on IBM's developerWorks where you can learn …
FreeBSD 8.0 Release available
Felix EhlersFreeBSD 8.0 is available for download on the ftp servers. Please note that at the time as we are writing this, there's not yet an official statement on the FreeBSD website.
This release brings an overhauled USB stack, a new partition class called slices and NFSv4.
The old USB …